Storyboards in Six Sigma to retain the results

Once you are done successfully with the six sigma phases of Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control its time to keep the good work going and keep your progress at the best. It’s really important to maintain and retain the progress attained during the course of the implementation of the six sigma project else all results and efforts made would be futile and the process/ organization will be back to square one. To keep track of all the processes and actions that were taken for the improvement of a particular process are charted and written in a presentation from and displayed at vantage points so that workers or people involved with the process do have a clear cut idea of what they are expected to do during their working on the particular process.

Six Sigma storyboards act as a quick recapitulation in visual form of the process or sequence of events that needs to be followed in an effort to maintain the six sigma level in that particular process or organization. A Storyboard may also be used to depict the progress and the improvements achieved by the process improvement project. Apart from that the storyboard will depict the tools that have been used in the various phases of the process. In Short the Storyboard will speak of the journey of the six sigma team right from the Define phase till the Control phase and steps to be taken thereafter.

A Story board should be such that it is easily interpreted by all team members and the management along with the process stakeholders. No complex terms should be used as this will ruin the purpose of making and putting the storyboard at the point where it is visible to the most number of people.

You need to keep in mind while designing the Storyboard that all the phases have to be covered and there may be numerous chapters for the same. For Example we can have different chapters for Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control phase if the situation demands so. In each chapter there has to be a summarized take away or the summary of that phase. The tools used should be clearly indicated in the chapters that have been used as they will serve as a knowledge builder for people referring to them and will surely reflect in their working skills. Project risks and steps if mentioned on the story board will serve in making the storyboard more interactive and interesting.

A Story board will not only act as an educational tool for the people working on a particular process but will also be useful in communicating to the management about the problems and pitfalls of that particular process. Ways and means to implement the improvements can be put up on the story board so that it’s easy to sell ideas to the management regarding that particular project.

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