TQM and Six Sigma Certification : The differences

The Origination of Six Sigma can be traced to the failure of Total Quality Management (TQM). Total Quality Management was a popular management technique which was improvement focused and it was used by business organizations in 1980s, with time it lost its effectiveness and went into oblivion and was no more considered a powerful technique and this led to a pursuit to develop a new tools and methodologies which had the ability to change the way the organizations worked and thus originated six sigma. A basic question comes to mind “How is Six Sigma different from total quality management?” Answer of this questions lies in understanding of the following concepts – Six sigma focuses on customer satisfaction – Major returns on investment – Overall change in management operations. If we elaborate above given factors we will get our answer of how six sigma is different from total quality management. When any organization implements six sigma its major focus lies in customer satisfaction as it is considered pivotal to success of the product or service. Contrary to any management techniques six sigma has shown huge returns on investment which can be better understood by taking GE is case in point, here are the details, – Year 1996, costs were $200 million, return was $150 million – Year 1997, costs were $400 million, return was $600 million – Year 1998, costs were $400 million, return was $1 billion In annual report of GE, its CEO Jack Welch, wrote six sigma saved the company more than $ 2 billion. Such figures are more than enough to measure the success rate of Six Sigma in any organization. By implementing Six Sigma any organization can bring impressive results but it requires an organization teamwork at all levels. Implementing six sigma means providing employees with six sigma training and time. The secret mantra of six sigma lies in developing such tools and techniques which are unique to your organizations and then putting them to effect involving each and every layer of your organization by focusing on customer satisfaction. “Work smarter, not harder” is the magical formula Six Sigma preaches.

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